Supports all modern browsers

Web Push Notifications

Fully-featured web push notifications within minutes.
🚀 11 push notifications sent to subscribers.

Screenshot of the app dashboard

Easy setup & integration

Start collecting push subscribers within minutes.

We respect your data

Yours always. Deletable anytime.

Private, safe & compliant

We respect all modern privacy and tracking regulations.
Screenshot of the app sending web push notifications
Web push notifications

Highly configurable notifications

We offer a comprehensive and feature-rich configurator for all the push notifications you send.

Attach image to notifications
Custom URL on click
2x custom action buttons
Dynamic titles & descriptions
Silent notifications, Urgency configurator, Time to live (TTL)
Screenshot of the app subscribers management page

Comprehensive subscriber journey

Get to understand your subscribers by monitoring their push activities.

Continent, Country & City
OS, Browser, Device
Referred URL page
Push notifications statistics
Logs of all actions on notifications
Screenshot of the app push campaign overview page

Fully featured push campaigns

Prepare, schedule & send push campaigns to your subscribers with ease.

Spintax support for titles and descriptions
Use collected custom parameters for titles and descriptions
Send campaigns to a specific group of subscribers
Detailed insights after the campaign is sent
Screenshot of the app flows management page

Automated series of notifications

Set up automated notification flows for new subscribers and watch your engagement grow. Here are just a few examples.

After 5 minutes: Welcome notification
After 1 day: In-depth tutorial notification
After 7 days: Free 30 day trial code
After 37 days: Upgrade to paid plan 30% discount code
Screenshot of the app segments management and editing page

Custom subscriber groups

Create segments of subscribers to easily access different type of users from your audience.

Custom CSV subscribers
Continents & countries filters
Filter by mobile, tablets & desktops
Filter by any major OS
Categorize by browsers
Filter by browser languages
Screenshot of the app RSS automations management page
RSS automations

RSS to Push Notifications

Automatically trigger push notification to be sent when your RSS feed gets new content.

Fully featured push notification
Configurable RSS feed checks
Spread out RSS feed notifications with delays
Dynamic usage of RSS feed title, description & URLs
missing_translation: index.recurring_campaigns_image_alt
Recurring campaigns

Campaigns on autopilot

Schedule & automatically send campaigns based on the time of day, week or day of the month.

Hour and minute scheduling
Select days of the week
Select days of the month

Platforms & browsers support

All major operating systems, browsers & device types are supported.

MacOs, iOS & iPadOS
Samsung Internet
Samsung Internet
Screenshot of the app prompt widget example for users to subscribe
Prompt widget
The ultimate web push notifications widget for your visitors to subscribe with ease.
Screenshot of the app embeddable action button for users to subscribe
Action button
The most advanced push notifications status button for subscribing and unsubscribing.
Screenshot of the app advanced settings for websites page
Advanced customizability
Every setting you can imagine and need for widgets and buttons.
Screenshot of the app data exporting feature and analytics
Data export
Export your data to CSV, JSON or PDF with a click of a button.
Screenshot of the app subscribers custom parameter tracking feature
Custom parameters
Dynamically tag your subscribers with custom data.
Screenshot of the app custom domains for personalized pixel JS codes link
Custom domains
Connect your own domain to get a custom pixel JS code link.
4+ websites with more than 3+ subscribers trust us for delivering web push notifications.

New subscribers notifications

Countless notification integrations for all your needs.

Microsoft Teams
API system

Developer ready

Fully featured & easy to use API system for developers.

Subscribers statistics
Personal notifications
Notification handlers
API Documentation
curl --request POST \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'name=Example name' \
--form 'website_id=1' \
--form 'subscriber_id=1' \
--form 'title=Example title' \
--form 'description=Example description' \

Here's what people are saying

Andrea, Writer Magazine

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ornare ex. Vivamus eu ex non orci condimentum placerat ac ac nisi. Nam velit libero, hendrerit vitae auctor eget, congue ut ante.

George, Lorem Ipsum Founder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent finibus vestibulum porta. Sed id eros quam. Nunc at nisi vel arcu placerat gravida.

Calvin, SAAS Lorem Owner

Praesent finibus vestibulum porta. Sed id eros quam. Proin lacinia ipsum porttitor, sollicitudin est in, ornare ex. Vivamus eu ex non orci condimentum placerat ac ac nisi. Nam velit libero, hendrerit vitae auctor eget, congue ut ante.


Simple, transparent pricing.

Choose the plan that is right for you and your budget.

Fully free
1 websites
100 subscribers
5 campaigns / month
500 sent notifications / month
0 personal notifications
0 RSS automations
0 recurring campaigns
3 segments
1 flows
Multiple notification handlers
1 custom domains
1 year subscribers logs retention
API access
0 export features
No ads
Removable branding
Custom branding
Contact us for enterprise pricing.
Unlimited websites
Unlimited subscribers
Unlimited campaigns / month
Unlimited sent notifications / month
Unlimited personal notifications
Unlimited RSS automations
Unlimited recurring campaigns
Unlimited segments
Unlimited flows
Multiple notification handlers
Unlimited custom domains
1 year subscribers logs retention
API access
1 export features
No ads
Removable branding
Custom branding

Answers for your common questions

All the FAQ section can be edited from the admin panel - languages section.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vim eu quem nonumes omittam. Mutat facete patrioque et est, nusquam abhorreant definiebas te sit, albucius urbanitas pro ad. Ne nemore officiis sed. Cu mundi docendi qui, nam nonumes maluisset constituto an, vix ea solum accusamus consequuntur.

Virtute feugiat ocurreret ad cum, pro in posse ullum adversarium, te qui stet graece antiopam. Amet omnesque indoctum ut mel, ea eam sonet saperet nostrum. Te modus delectus mel, pri populo definitionem ne, an eam hinc labitur inciderint. Novum vivendum gloriatur ex nec, ad vocibus eleifend deterruisset pro, mutat voluptaria repudiandae eum ea. Ipsum soluta cotidieque sea ut, aliquando scripserit no has, iisque impetus erroribus pro ad. Case labitur scaevola vis ut, clita meliore te eos.

Mel iusto putant feugiat et, qui alii virtute eu. Diceret corrumpit mei an. Ius ei congue iudico, ex quo delectus indoctum. Mnesarchum reprehendunt pro ex, ea vix amet maluisset, in autem omnes consectetuer eum.

Get started

Integrate web push notifications in your websites within minutes.